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Video Rebirthing classes


As the times remain challenging and are perhaps getting even more challenging still, we are asked to be flexible and ok with change. To find our position, to sense our foundation, to have an anchor.

Kriyas from the Rebirthing Series can serve us. Longer kriyas that help clean out our subconscious, unveil mistaken identities and release therefore otherwise wasted prana. This allows us to use this freed prana to live more true to our true selves 🙂 . A true Self sounds great, but it takes some effort to redefine yourself, to find a new constellation within yourself on how to interpret certain feelings and emotions. What options of response are available for me?

We will offer all 31 Rebirthing sessions as live, online classes. You can find the schedule HERE. These sessions will be recorded and made available on this page. Below you will also find a free recording of the Rebirthing Class ‘A Renewed Self-Concept’ which was recorded on Sunday morning 5 December 2021. The other sessions will be available for Streaming after each one has been recorded. Fees below.


  • 10-classes €65,00 (check schedule below to see which classes are already available)
  • Single recorded class €8,00, if you have a membership you receive 50% discount.

10 classes streaming for 1 year. Single class streaming for 1 week.


Free Rebirthing Class Recording

‘A Renewed Self-Concept’ Recorded on Sunday morning 5 December 2021.

Rebirthing Sessions 1-10

Rebirthing Sessions 11-20

Rebirthing Sessions 21-31

Individual Videos of the Rebirthing Kriyas for rent for €8,00.


13 December 2021: House Cleaning I

20 December 2021: House Cleaning II

10 January 2022: House Cleaning III

17 January 2022: House Cleaning IV

24 January 2022: Removing Your Subconscious Blocks

31 January 2022: A Renewed Self-Concept

7 February 2022: Letting Go of the Pain of the Seventh Year

14 February 2022: Ghost Kriya: Clearing the Ghosts & Opening Intuition

21 February 2022: Clearing Our Subconscious Stories

7 March 2022: Angelic Ghosting

14 March 2022: Unloading the Subconscious

21 March 2022: Unload Your Pain & Fear I

28 March 2022: Unload Your Pain & Fear II

4 April 2022: Unloading the Past of Harsh Memories I

25 April 2022: Unloading the Past of Harsh Memories II

9 May 2022: Dropping Your Personal Pain

16 May 2022: Unloading the Pain of Perpetual Memories I

23 May 2022: Unloading the Pain of Perpetual Memories II

20 June 2022: Cleaning the Clutter of the Mind I

27 June 2022: Cleaning the Clutter of the Mind II

7 November 2022: Cleaning the Mind I

21 November 2022: Cleaning the Mind II

28 November 2022: Cleaning the Mind for Deep Meditation

5 December 2022: Release Your Garbage

12 December 2022: Ardh Kechari Kriya

19 December 2022: Getting Rid of Transit Memories I

09 January 2023: Getting Rid of Transit Memories II

16 January 2023: Removing Fears From the Fifth Month in the Womb I

23 January 2023: Removing Fears From the Fifth Month in the Womb II

30 January 2023: Clearing the Magnetic Block From the Womb I

06 February 2023: Clearing the Magnetic Block From the Womb II

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Ik Aardas - Mata Mandir Singh