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Qualities of 2021


A Karam Kriya Workshop with Bachitar Kaur


Sat Naam,

This is an invitation to join an introduction into the qualities of the numbers or 2021 as taught in the sacred science of Karam Kriya Numerology.

If you are interested, please get in touch or sign up directly by transferring €18,00 through PayPal to (if you don’t have PayPal, contact us on for other payment options).

Also, following the workshop there is a free Q&A session for anybody interested in the upcoming Karam Kriya Consultancy Training Online and partially in person in The Netherlands and Belgium.



5  is the word.

Word is the bridge we can build or through our words we may burn bridges.

At the beginning was the word. In yoga and eastern mysticism, it is called Anahat – the unstruck sound. This is where all creation originates from. And we can consider ourselves the echo of that primal sound still vibrating, expanding, creating infinitely.

The coming year may be an opportunity to build bridges that cover the distance of polarity we have been getting ourselves into this year.

It may also be an opportunity to tune even more into the primal sound we are originating from.

And to relate to the 1 in all.

Building bridges from human being to human being.

Creating a human community.

It is clear that such transformation requires a price. Sacrifices will have to be made. The “I and me” will need to step back behind the “we and all of us”.



Three represents the fire element. The fire of action for example.

In 21 action counts.

Let your words follow action. Manifest. Act on your word and let your word be the beginning of your action.

What (1) to manifest? The animal, the human or the angel in you?

Acting out your karma or manifesting your dharma?

Do you manifest anger, greed, victim? Putting the Mantra “I am not good enough, I am not allowed” onto loop in your inner dialogue?

Or do you manifest in alignment (1) with your spirit, your soul, your vastness and show the world the greatness of the being you are?


Have a blessed 2021!

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Ik Aardas - Mata Mandir Singh