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The Rediscovery of Shakti


We offer this workshop a second time for those who could not make it the first time



Saturday 24.09.22 9-13 (CET)

Fee: €40,00

Registration: HERE

More information:


I look forward to sharing about this amazing topic with you and to hear your experiences – stories. Of your own menopausal journey. Or – if this is still a little while for you –  what images, ideas you have of it so far through your other’s journey for example.

When you research the internet you will find a lot of information on menopause that focusses on its mostly negatively viewed symptoms and how to quickly overcome those or how to best live with them. (yawn!)

This workshop offers a different understanding of a woman’s journey into and through menopause. We are going to address the transformational potential of this period in a woman’s life.

The chinese, for example, call menopause “the second spring”. And it is certainly not only because of hot flashes that women transitioning into menopause feel “on fire”. A burning and yearning for self-realisation beyond what has been accomplished so far. A new sense of identity. A deeper anchoring in oneself.

In this workshop we are going to explore the different facets of menopause.

Her gifts as well as the sacrifices she may ask from us women at the threshold to this new powerful period.

We are going to have a look at hormonal changes, food, herbs, life-style.

We are going to talk about a changing sense of identity and what it may mean for your relationship with your partner, your friends, or your children.

We will explore different Yoga-Postures and meditations to support in Menopause.

And we are going to look at different factors that contribute to a woman’s experience of her menopausal journey. With the focus on how to be conscious of the territory ahead. Anticipate. Being ahead of the times.



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Ik Aardas - Mata Mandir Singh