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Day 22 of the Cherdi Kala Yoga Advent Calendar

Enjoy your 22nd present!


Love Yourself!


You are Beautiful, Bountiful and Blissful, You Are You Are!

Give yourself a present today, anything to express your love for yourself. Do something extraordinary, send loving thoughts to yourself, cherish this moment!

You are the beauty and peace you seek, take a deep breath and know this. Trust yourself and honour your light.


Here is an exercise to support you in this experience:


Shunia Kal Karni Kriya

exercise 21 min.


“Don’t forget, human love is only for one thing—love your soul! Then the infinite world around you will be in love with you….When all knowledge is but things go wrong and nobody can find where wrong is, as nobody can find where their soul is and they fall in love with Maya, here, there and there. Then what to do? [This kriya.]”–Yogi Bhajan


Shunia Kal Karni Kriya


Comments: The right hand position tells you your extension must bless. When you bless, God shall bless you. That’s a promise. Let the heaven descend into you. During the meditation, endure the pain, and cure your ills.


Set the Meditation (18 minutes)

  1. Sit in easy pose with a straight spine.
  2. The left hand is at shoulder level in front of the body, with the palm up. The elbow is bent, fingers and thumb together, and the hand is flat.
  3. Extend the right arm out straight, palm down, parallel with the ground. Fingers and thumb are together, and the hand is flat. The two hands are at same level, even with the shoulders.
  4. Close eyes the eyes and look at top of skull, the crown. This is the soft spot or fontenelle when we are infants, and is also known as the”exit of death”.
  5. Breathe as slowly as you can consciously breathe. Do not sleep.
  6. Play the music Guru Dev Mata, Guru Dev Pita by Guru Jiwan Singh and Sangeet Kaur. Listen and meditate. (NOTE: Music included below).

Stabilize (1 minute)

  1. Continue. Stabilize the posture.

Energy Rise (1 minute 30 seconds)

  1. Continue. Let the energy rise and go through the chakras.

Focus at Top (30 seconds)

  1. Continue. Center your thoughts at the crown chakra, where your soul eventually must exit. This way you conquer death.

To End

  1. Inhale deep and hold the breath, making the arms and hands like steel from the shoulders onwards. Bring the spine into alignment. Hold the breath for 20 seconds and then exhale.
  2. Inhale deeply again, squeeze and tighten the arms, holding the breath for 20 seconds.
  3. Inhale deeply once more, holding and squeezing the entire body. Let the energy distribute to all parts of the body, not just the spine and the chakras. Hold 20 seconds. Exhale and relax.
Eye Focus Crown
Breath Long Deep Breathing

Gurdev Mata Gurdev Pita


Gurdev Mata Gurdev Pita

Gurdev swami paramesura

Gurdev sakha agiaan Bhanjan

Gurdev bandhip sahodara

Gurdev daata har naam updesai

Gurdev mant nirodhara

Gurdev saant sat budh moorat

Gurdev paras paras para

Gurdev tirath amrit sarovar gur giaan majan aprampara

Gurdev karta sabh paap harta

Gurdev patit pavit kara

Gurdev aad jugaad jug jug

Gurdev mant har jap udhra

Gurdev sangat prabh mel kar kirpa hum moor paapi jit lag tara

Gurdev satgur parabrahm parmesar

Gurdev Nanak har namaskara


Source:Siri Guru Granth Sahib
Author:Guru Arjun Dev Ji




The Divine Teacher is my mother, the Divine Teacher is my father

The Divine teacher is my Lord and Supreme God.

The Divine Teacher is my companion, the dispeller of spiritual ignorance, is my relative and brother.

The Divine Teacher is the giver and the teacher of the Divine Name, is the Mantra which never fails.

The Divine Teacher is the Image of peace, truth and wisdom, is the Philosopher’s Stone – touching it one is transformed.

The Divine Teacher is the sacred shrine of pilgrimage, and the pool of divine ambrosia; bathing is the Guru’s wisdom, one experiences the Infinite.

The Divine Teacher is the Creator and the Destroyer of all sins; is the Purifier of sinners.

The Divine Teacher existed at the primal beginning, throughout the ages, in each and every age, is the Mantra of the Lord’s Name; chanting it, one is saved.

Oh God, please be merciful to me, that I may be with the Divine Teacher; I am a foolish sinner, but holding onto him I am carried across.

The Divine Teacher is the True Guru, the Supreme Lord God, the transcendent Lord;

Nanak bows in humble reverence to the Lord, the Divine Teacher.

Sat Naam,
Every day until Christmas, we have put a yogic gift for you into the reindeer’s bag. And each day it will be something different.
It could be a brief video yoga class, or a numerological (Karam Kriya) sharing about the qualities of number 12 (December) or of the year ahead. It could be one of our favorite recipes for this time of the year, or a voucher for an upcoming event. It could be one of our favorite kriyas, or a specific meditation we practice for these times, or a mantra to chant throughout the day to keep your spirits up…or, or, or.
Advent means ‘the coming, or arrival, of’. It is widely used in preparation for the celebration of the coming of Christ. The incarnation of Christ Consciousness as recognized in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Nanak Consciousness, YOUR Higher Consciousness. Your Hu-Man, or Enlightened-Mind, potential.
So why not align to this group consciousness, this tradition held in many countries, to anticipate and celebrate your potential? By practicing Kundalini Yoga and Karam Kriya for your upliftment into Cherdi Kala, the Rising Spirit!
Each day we post a new link on Facebook with the reindeer bag. Follow the link and pick up your free gift.
And we love to hear from you in the comments how you like it and whether it was useful for your day.
Merry seasonal blessings,
Bachitar and Hari Krishan

Day 22 of the Cherdi Kala Yoga Advent Calendar

Enjoy your 22nd present!


Love Yourself!


You are Beautiful, Bountiful and Blissful, You Are You Are!

Give yourself a present today, anything to express your love for yourself. Do something extraordinary, send loving thoughts to yourself, cherish this moment!

You are the beauty and peace you seek, take a deep breath and know this. Trust yourself and honour your light.


Here is an exercise to support you in this experience:


Shunia Kal Karni Kriya

exercise 21 min.


“Don’t forget, human love is only for one thing—love your soul! Then the infinite world around you will be in love with you….When all knowledge is but things go wrong and nobody can find where wrong is, as nobody can find where their soul is and they fall in love with Maya, here, there and there. Then what to do? [This kriya.]”–Yogi Bhajan


Shunia Kal Karni Kriya


Comments: The right hand position tells you your extension must bless. When you bless, God shall bless you. That’s a promise. Let the heaven descend into you. During the meditation, endure the pain, and cure your ills.


Set the Meditation (18 minutes)

  1. Sit in easy pose with a straight spine.
  2. The left hand is at shoulder level in front of the body, with the palm up. The elbow is bent, fingers and thumb together, and the hand is flat.
  3. Extend the right arm out straight, palm down, parallel with the ground. Fingers and thumb are together, and the hand is flat. The two hands are at same level, even with the shoulders.
  4. Close eyes the eyes and look at top of skull, the crown. This is the soft spot or fontenelle when we are infants, and is also known as the”exit of death”.
  5. Breathe as slowly as you can consciously breathe. Do not sleep.
  6. Play the music Guru Dev Mata, Guru Dev Pita by Guru Jiwan Singh and Sangeet Kaur. Listen and meditate. (NOTE: Music included below).

Stabilize (1 minute)

  1. Continue. Stabilize the posture.

Energy Rise (1 minute 30 seconds)

  1. Continue. Let the energy rise and go through the chakras.

Focus at Top (30 seconds)

  1. Continue. Center your thoughts at the crown chakra, where your soul eventually must exit. This way you conquer death.

To End

  1. Inhale deep and hold the breath, making the arms and hands like steel from the shoulders onwards. Bring the spine into alignment. Hold the breath for 20 seconds and then exhale.
  2. Inhale deeply again, squeeze and tighten the arms, holding the breath for 20 seconds.
  3. Inhale deeply once more, holding and squeezing the entire body. Let the energy distribute to all parts of the body, not just the spine and the chakras. Hold 20 seconds. Exhale and relax.
Eye Focus Crown
Breath Long Deep Breathing

Gurdev Mata Gurdev Pita


Gurdev Mata Gurdev Pita

Gurdev swami paramesura

Gurdev sakha agiaan Bhanjan

Gurdev bandhip sahodara

Gurdev daata har naam updesai

Gurdev mant nirodhara

Gurdev saant sat budh moorat

Gurdev paras paras para

Gurdev tirath amrit sarovar gur giaan majan aprampara

Gurdev karta sabh paap harta

Gurdev patit pavit kara

Gurdev aad jugaad jug jug

Gurdev mant har jap udhra

Gurdev sangat prabh mel kar kirpa hum moor paapi jit lag tara

Gurdev satgur parabrahm parmesar

Gurdev Nanak har namaskara


Source:Siri Guru Granth Sahib
Author:Guru Arjun Dev Ji




The Divine Teacher is my mother, the Divine Teacher is my father

The Divine teacher is my Lord and Supreme God.

The Divine Teacher is my companion, the dispeller of spiritual ignorance, is my relative and brother.

The Divine Teacher is the giver and the teacher of the Divine Name, is the Mantra which never fails.

The Divine Teacher is the Image of peace, truth and wisdom, is the Philosopher’s Stone – touching it one is transformed.

The Divine Teacher is the sacred shrine of pilgrimage, and the pool of divine ambrosia; bathing is the Guru’s wisdom, one experiences the Infinite.

The Divine Teacher is the Creator and the Destroyer of all sins; is the Purifier of sinners.

The Divine Teacher existed at the primal beginning, throughout the ages, in each and every age, is the Mantra of the Lord’s Name; chanting it, one is saved.

Oh God, please be merciful to me, that I may be with the Divine Teacher; I am a foolish sinner, but holding onto him I am carried across.

The Divine Teacher is the True Guru, the Supreme Lord God, the transcendent Lord;

Nanak bows in humble reverence to the Lord, the Divine Teacher.

Sat Naam,
Every day until Christmas, we have put a yogic gift for you into the reindeer’s bag. And each day it will be something different.
It could be a brief video yoga class, or a numerological (Karam Kriya) sharing about the qualities of number 12 (December) or of the year ahead. It could be one of our favorite recipes for this time of the year, or a voucher for an upcoming event. It could be one of our favorite kriyas, or a specific meditation we practice for these times, or a mantra to chant throughout the day to keep your spirits up…or, or, or.
Advent means ‘the coming, or arrival, of’. It is widely used in preparation for the celebration of the coming of Christ. The incarnation of Christ Consciousness as recognized in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Nanak Consciousness, YOUR Higher Consciousness. Your Hu-Man, or Enlightened-Mind, potential.
So why not align to this group consciousness, this tradition held in many countries, to anticipate and celebrate your potential? By practicing Kundalini Yoga and Karam Kriya for your upliftment into Cherdi Kala, the Rising Spirit!
Each day we post a new link on Facebook with the reindeer bag. Follow the link and pick up your free gift.
And we love to hear from you in the comments how you like it and whether it was useful for your day.
Merry seasonal blessings,
Bachitar and Hari Krishan

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