for the
40 day NABHI – Navel Point Alignment! Stretch Pose Challenge 💪 21. June – 31. July
Tappas: Willingness to Practice, Zeal, Discipline
Light your fire!

€ 575,00
You can already start now with adding some practices to your morning routine before getting up. Cat stretches in bed and a little bit of stretch pose! Then continue with Ishnaan (cold shower) with har or breath of fire.
From the 21st of June you are going to build up your stretch pose practice. Starting with half minute and building up to 3 minutes or another realistic but challenging goal!
Summer Solstice: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 16:57 CET
And very important: Stay in touch, Share your experience and Find support in the Diamond 💎 Process Community & Support Group
Here are some initial warm-up exercises; Leading up to 21st of June, more will be uploaded regularly!

From Worrier to Warrior

€ 575,00