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Day 20 of the Cherdi Kala Yoga Advent Calendar

Enjoy your 20th present!

The total number of today is



11 is the number of Alignment. Of God and Me, Me and God, Are One.

Here is another mantra affirmation often used in Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and Meditations that describes the relation of


‘I am Thine in Mine Myself, Wahe Guru. Humee Hum, Tumee Tum, Wahe Guru’.

Here is a great meditation you can do that uses this Mantra.

The Nao Niddh Kriya

‘Nine occult powers shall come to you…’


Nao Niddh Kriya


“This is Nao Niddh. Nine occult powers shall come to you when you block the Mercury of the right hand and rest of the fingers you open. It is painful. It hurts.” Don’t cheat, don’t let the fingers curl or losing their spread. Hold the posture and mudras perfectly. “Do not let the lips meet. Keep the form of the “O” correct because this is the Vagus Nerve which is involved, not you. I want you to do it like a science so that you can understand the results and then you go home and you can do it right. Keep spine straight, chin in, chest out. First few minutes you have to get rid of all the fatigue. Fingers separate, steady, hard. Breathe through the center of God that is O, and breathe out the same way, now it’s going to become troublesome, that’s okay. Breathe it like a flying kiss, bring the lips to together in O and breathe in and breathe out, that’s all I am asking! One who knows the medical science knows wrong injection does a bad thing. Try to qualify yourself, not to lose. You are going to feel very fatigued and fatigue will leave you. There is going to be a gap, don’t worry. You have come here to earn the science of Shakti, not to lose. Do it right and get the result.”

1. Nao Niddh Kriya

O Breath (9 minutes 30 seconds)

  1. Sit in Easy Pose with the spine straight.
  2. Palms of the hands face forward, level with the head, elbows bent at the sides.
  3. Right Hand: Place the thumb over the nail of the pinky finger. The Mercury mound (base of the palm under little finger) and the Venus mound (base of the palm under the thumb) are covered in this mudra.
  4. Left Hand: Fingers and thumb are spread wide.
  5. Close your eyes.
  6. Make an “O” of your mouth.
  7. Breath long, deep, and powerful, in and out through the mouth. Keep the O shape perfect.
  8. Listen to the current of the music “I am Thine, in Mine, Myself, Wahe Guru” by Livtar Singh. Concentrate this current at the spinal column.

Chanting (5 minutes 30 seconds)

  1. Continue by singing along with the Music, I am Thine, in Mine, Myself, Wahe Guru.
  2. Repeat the words with the tip of the tongue.
  3. Working the central nervous system, use the tip of the tongue.
  4. Open up your heart. Say it with power to gain an experience. Use your pranic force.
  5. Let the fingers be antennas, make them tight.
  6. Sing from the heart.

To End

  1. Inhale and hold. Tighten the body and pump the navel point to the fullest. Exhale.
  2. Inhale deep, hold the breath, tighten the body and pump the navel. Move the energy to all facets of the body. Cannon fire the breath out.
  3. Inhale and repeat, best effort! Cannon fire out.
  4. Inhale deep again, hold tight, pump the navel. Cannon fire out.
  5. Inhale deep last time, hold tight, pump the navel continuously for 20 seconds.
  6. Relax.

Right Hand Twirling (20 seconds)

  1. One more thing, you have to neutralize yourself before the kriya is over.
  2. Place your left hand over the heart and hold your right hand up at head level.
  3. Bend the elbow, make a fist with the index finger up. Begin rotating the finger in a circle around the vertical axis.
  4. Move fast, like you are throwing a discus out. Your spine, your butt, your everything will move.

Left Hand Twirling (10 seconds)

  1. Without pause switch hands and continue. Move fast.

Both Hands Twirling (10 seconds)

  1. Now twirl both hands, index fingers straight and pointing up. Move heavily so everything vibrates.
  2. Relax.
Eye Focus Closed
Breath O Breath


  • I Am Thine, In Mine, Myself, Wahe Guru


Here you can listen to the recording of the Music mantra affirmation by Livtar Singh:

I am Thine in Mine Myself, Wahe Guru. Humee Hum, Tumee Tum, Wahe Guru

by Livtar Singh

You can find the above music and many many many many more recordings in the Gurbani Media Center of Sikhnet. Sikhnet is an incredible source of inspiration and information, media and connection. Have a look for yourself here:

They have been working on this service for decades, mainly as Seva. It started as the initiative of Gurmustuk Singh, a Kundalini Yoga Sikh. It has grown into a sizeable team and in the meantime they serve millions of Sikhs and Yogis worldwide. As you might expect, they can exist only on the basis of donations. So a part of our gift today is giving you the opportunity to give also 🙂 Check out their latest video here where they show that we are the ones that make their heart beat:


Sat Naam,
Every day until Christmas, we have put a yogic gift for you into the reindeer’s bag. And each day it will be something different.
It could be a brief video yoga class, or a numerological (Karam Kriya) sharing about the qualities of number 12 (December) or of the year ahead. It could be one of our favorite recipes for this time of the year, or a voucher for an upcoming event. It could be one of our favorite kriyas, or a specific meditation we practice for these times, or a mantra to chant throughout the day to keep your spirits up…or, or, or.
Advent means ‘the coming, or arrival, of’. It is widely used in preparation for the celebration of the coming of Christ. The incarnation of Christ Consciousness as recognized in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Nanak Consciousness, YOUR Higher Consciousness. Your Hu-Man, or Enlightened-Mind, potential.
So why not align to this group consciousness, this tradition held in many countries, to anticipate and celebrate your potential? By practicing Kundalini Yoga and Karam Kriya for your upliftment into Cherdi Kala, the Rising Spirit!
Each day we post a new link on Facebook with the reindeer bag. Follow the link and pick up your free gift.
And we love to hear from you in the comments how you like it and whether it was useful for your day.
Merry seasonal blessings,
Bachitar and Hari Krishan

Day 20 of the Cherdi Kala Yoga Advent Calendar

Enjoy your 20th present! A Gift of Giving!

The total number of today is



11 is the number of Alignment. Of God and Me, Me and God, Are One.

Here is another mantra affirmation often used in Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and Meditations that describes the relation of


‘I am Thine in Mine Myself, Wahe Guru. Humee Hum, Tumee Tum, Wahe Guru’.

Here is a great meditation you can do that uses this Mantra.

The Nao Niddh Kriya

‘Nine occult powers shall come to you…’


Nao Niddh Kriya


“This is Nao Niddh. Nine occult powers shall come to you when you block the Mercury of the right hand and rest of the fingers you open. It is painful. It hurts.” Don’t cheat, don’t let the fingers curl or losing their spread. Hold the posture and mudras perfectly. “Do not let the lips meet. Keep the form of the “O” correct because this is the Vagus Nerve which is involved, not you. I want you to do it like a science so that you can understand the results and then you go home and you can do it right. Keep spine straight, chin in, chest out. First few minutes you have to get rid of all the fatigue. Fingers separate, steady, hard. Breathe through the center of God that is O, and breathe out the same way, now it’s going to become troublesome, that’s okay. Breathe it like a flying kiss, bring the lips to together in O and breathe in and breathe out, that’s all I am asking! One who knows the medical science knows wrong injection does a bad thing. Try to qualify yourself, not to lose. You are going to feel very fatigued and fatigue will leave you. There is going to be a gap, don’t worry. You have come here to earn the science of Shakti, not to lose. Do it right and get the result.”

1. Nao Niddh Kriya

O Breath (9 minutes 30 seconds)

  1. Sit in Easy Pose with the spine straight.
  2. Palms of the hands face forward, level with the head, elbows bent at the sides.
  3. Right Hand: Place the thumb over the nail of the pinky finger. The Mercury mound (base of the palm under little finger) and the Venus mound (base of the palm under the thumb) are covered in this mudra.
  4. Left Hand: Fingers and thumb are spread wide.
  5. Close your eyes.
  6. Make an “O” of your mouth.
  7. Breath long, deep, and powerful, in and out through the mouth. Keep the O shape perfect.
  8. Listen to the current of the music “I am Thine, in Mine, Myself, Wahe Guru” by Livtar Singh. Concentrate this current at the spinal column.

Chanting (5 minutes 30 seconds)

  1. Continue by singing along with the Music, I am Thine, in Mine, Myself, Wahe Guru.
  2. Repeat the words with the tip of the tongue.
  3. Working the central nervous system, use the tip of the tongue.
  4. Open up your heart. Say it with power to gain an experience. Use your pranic force.
  5. Let the fingers be antennas, make them tight.
  6. Sing from the heart.

To End

  1. Inhale and hold. Tighten the body and pump the navel point to the fullest. Exhale.
  2. Inhale deep, hold the breath, tighten the body and pump the navel. Move the energy to all facets of the body. Cannon fire the breath out.
  3. Inhale and repeat, best effort! Cannon fire out.
  4. Inhale deep again, hold tight, pump the navel. Cannon fire out.
  5. Inhale deep last time, hold tight, pump the navel continuously for 20 seconds.
  6. Relax.

Right Hand Twirling (20 seconds)

  1. One more thing, you have to neutralize yourself before the kriya is over.
  2. Place your left hand over the heart and hold your right hand up at head level.
  3. Bend the elbow, make a fist with the index finger up. Begin rotating the finger in a circle around the vertical axis.
  4. Move fast, like you are throwing a discus out. Your spine, your butt, your everything will move.

Left Hand Twirling (10 seconds)

  1. Without pause switch hands and continue. Move fast.

Both Hands Twirling (10 seconds)

  1. Now twirl both hands, index fingers straight and pointing up. Move heavily so everything vibrates.
  2. Relax.
Eye Focus Closed
Breath O Breath


  • I Am Thine, In Mine, Myself, Wahe Guru


Here you can listen to the recording of the Music mantra affirmation by Livtar Singh:

I am Thine in Mine Myself, Wahe Guru. Humee Hum, Tumee Tum, Wahe Guru

by Livtar Singh

You can find the above music and many many many many more recordings in the Gurbani Media Center of Sikhnet. Sikhnet is an incredible source of inspiration and information, media and connection. Have a look for yourself here:

They have been working on this service for decades, mainly as Seva. It started as the initiative of Gurmustuk Singh, a Kundalini Yoga Sikh. It has grown into a sizeable team and in the meantime they serve millions of Sikhs and Yogis worldwide. As you might expect, they can exist only on the basis of donations. So a part of our gift today is giving you the opportunity to give also 🙂 Check out their latest video here where they show that we are the ones that make their heart beat:


Sat Naam,
Every day until Christmas, we have put a yogic gift for you into the reindeer’s bag. And each day it will be something different.
It could be a brief video yoga class, or a numerological (Karam Kriya) sharing about the qualities of number 12 (December) or of the year ahead. It could be one of our favorite recipes for this time of the year, or a voucher for an upcoming event. It could be one of our favorite kriyas, or a specific meditation we practice for these times, or a mantra to chant throughout the day to keep your spirits up…or, or, or.
Advent means ‘the coming, or arrival, of’. It is widely used in preparation for the celebration of the coming of Christ. The incarnation of Christ Consciousness as recognized in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Nanak Consciousness, YOUR Higher Consciousness. Your Hu-Man, or Enlightened-Mind, potential.
So why not align to this group consciousness, this tradition held in many countries, to anticipate and celebrate your potential? By practicing Kundalini Yoga and Karam Kriya for your upliftment into Cherdi Kala, the Rising Spirit!
Each day we post a new link on Facebook with the reindeer bag. Follow the link and pick up your free gift.
And we love to hear from you in the comments how you like it and whether it was useful for your day.
Merry seasonal blessings,
Bachitar and Hari Krishan

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Ik Aardas - Mata Mandir Singh