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Day 24, the last day of the Cherdi Kala Yoga Advent Calendar

Enjoy your 24th present!

Day 2+4 = 6 = Spiritual Warrior

This theme aligns with the quality of next year 2+0+2+2=6.
In the Sikh tradition the Spiritual Warrior was first personified in the 6th Guru, Guru Hargobind. He recognised that the community had to be trained in martial arts as the ruling forces were using more and more violence to try and convert people (Hindu, Sikh) into their faith. He introduced what we now know as Gatka, Sikh Martial Art. Below an introduction video into some of the basic moves.
Gatka is not just an outward, bodily discipline, it is also having a Prayerful Presence. An attitude that the ultimate justice is that everything Just-Is. An attitude that is based in Faith and Nirbhao – No Fear. Note in the instructional video how the practice starts with an Ardaas – Prayer!
Guru Hargobind:
In 1606, Jahangir had the fifth Sikh Guru Arjan Dev, the father of Guru Hargobind, tortured and martyred. During his lifetime, the fifth Guru had fully appreciated that in the times ahead, his community will need to defend itself and Dharma at large. With this in mind, he had his young son Hargobind trained and educated in Sanatan Shastar Vidiya. He ensured that other children too were put through martial training in preparation for what was to come.

When news arrived of his father’s passing and final instructions, Guru Hargobind immediately set about building a throne dedicated to the all-pervasive immortal One ‘Akal Purakh’. The revered Baba Buddha and Bhai Gurdas (Guru Arjan’s highly respected uncle and amanuensis) lent their support in the task. The ‘Akal Takht’ (immortal throne) was completed within a month on 15th June 1606. It also came to be known as ‘Akal Bunga’ (immortal fortress), or the ‘Takht Akal Bunga’ (fortress of the immortal throne).

Although initially a simple stone plinth, the Akal Takht was loaded with potent symbolism. Situated directly opposite the ‘Hari Mandir Sahib’ (also known as the Golden Temple) in Amritsar, it was intended as a symbol of defiance; erected higher than the imperial Mughal throne at Agra.

Sikhs gathered in large numbers facing the newly built Akal Takht in order to mark the sixth Guru’s formal accession ceremony that took place on 24th June 1606 (Numerologically interesting to see so many number 6!). Before addressing the assembly, the young Guru, attired as a prince, called for some of his personal weapons. He proceeded to recite the names of the previous Gurus, and selected two fine curved swords, a ‘Kaman’ (bow), and a quiver of arrows.

As the Sikhs brought the symbols of the previous Gurus before him, Guru Hargobind made it clear that he, in contrast to earlier Gurus, would mount a war horse and not resort to simply sitting as a peaceful holy man administering to the congregation on a ‘manji‘ (bedstead). Abandoning the ‘seli‘ (hat of silk cord) or ‘topi’ (silk cap) – traditional symbols of peace, he would wear a royal turban – the iconic symbol of a Kshatriya warrior.

When asked why he held two swords, the 16-year-old, whilst remembering his father’s words, explained:

“With one we will take authority as ‘miran ki miri‘ (king of kings). With the other, we shall achieve ‘piran ki piri‘ (spiritual supremacy). All those who come our way seeking refuge shall be saved. Those who oppose us shall lose both [temporal and spiritual authority].”


Gatka Instructional Video:

This Prayerful Presence of the Warrior can also be recognised in the lives of Christ and the Buddha.

Yangsuli Sujongsa temple.

There is a powerful story from a Korean Buddhist Monastery which got attacked by an invading army. Most monks fled the scene, but the Abbott remained to face the general of the invaders. When the general encountered the Abbott he exclaimed: “You better watch out, as I will not even blink an eye when I pierce you with my sword!”, to which the Abbott replied: “You better watch out, as I will not even blink an eye when you pierce me with your sword!”. The General recognised the Prayerful Presence of this Saint, bowed his head and became a devout student of the Buddhist Order.
And here a story about Jesus:
“And I saw the heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and he that sat thereon called Faithful and True; and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. And his eyes are a flame of fire, and upon his head are many diadems; and he hath a name written which no one knoweth but he himself. And he is arrayed in a garment sprinkled with blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and pure. And out of his mouth proceedeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God, the Almighty. And he hath on his garment and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:11-16 – ASV).
Sat Naam,
Every day until Christmas, we have put a yogic gift for you into the reindeer’s bag. And each day it will be something different.
It could be a brief video yoga class, or a numerological (Karam Kriya) sharing about the qualities of number 12 (December) or of the year ahead. It could be one of our favorite recipes for this time of the year, or a voucher for an upcoming event. It could be one of our favorite kriyas, or a specific meditation we practice for these times, or a mantra to chant throughout the day to keep your spirits up…or, or, or.
Advent means ‘the coming, or arrival, of’. It is widely used in preparation for the celebration of the coming of Christ. The incarnation of Christ Consciousness as recognized in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Nanak Consciousness, YOUR Higher Consciousness. Your Hu-Man, or Enlightened-Mind, potential.
So why not align to this group consciousness, this tradition held in many countries, to anticipate and celebrate your potential? By practicing Kundalini Yoga and Karam Kriya for your upliftment into Cherdi Kala, the Rising Spirit!
Each day we post a new link on Facebook with the reindeer bag. Follow the link and pick up your free gift.
And we love to hear from you in the comments how you like it and whether it was useful for your day.
Merry seasonal blessings,
Bachitar and Hari Krishan

Day 24, the last day of the Cherdi Kala Yoga Advent Calendar

Enjoy your 24th present!

Day 2+4 = 6 = Spiritual Warrior

This theme aligns with the quality of next year 2+0+2+2=6.
In the Sikh tradition the Spiritual Warrior was first personified in the 6th Guru, Guru Hargobind. He recognised that the community had to be trained in martial arts as the ruling forces were using more and more violence to try and convert people (Hindu, Sikh) into their faith. He introduced what we now know as Gatka, Sikh Martial Art. Below an introduction video into some of the basic moves.
Gatka is not just an outward, bodily discipline, it is also having a Prayerful Presence. An attitude that the ultimate justice is that everything Just-Is. An attitude that is based in Faith and Nirbhao – No Fear. Note in the instructional video how the practice starts with an Ardaas – Prayer!
Guru Hargobind:
In 1606, Jahangir had the fifth Sikh Guru Arjan Dev, the father of Guru Hargobind, tortured and martyred. During his lifetime, the fifth Guru had fully appreciated that in the times ahead, his community will need to defend itself and Dharma at large. With this in mind, he had his young son Hargobind trained and educated in Sanatan Shastar Vidiya. He ensured that other children too were put through martial training in preparation for what was to come.

When news arrived of his father’s passing and final instructions, Guru Hargobind immediately set about building a throne dedicated to the all-pervasive immortal One ‘Akal Purakh’. The revered Baba Buddha and Bhai Gurdas (Guru Arjan’s highly respected uncle and amanuensis) lent their support in the task. The ‘Akal Takht’ (immortal throne) was completed within a month on 15th June 1606. It also came to be known as ‘Akal Bunga’ (immortal fortress), or the ‘Takht Akal Bunga’ (fortress of the immortal throne).

Although initially a simple stone plinth, the Akal Takht was loaded with potent symbolism. Situated directly opposite the ‘Hari Mandir Sahib’ (also known as the Golden Temple) in Amritsar, it was intended as a symbol of defiance; erected higher than the imperial Mughal throne at Agra.

Sikhs gathered in large numbers facing the newly built Akal Takht in order to mark the sixth Guru’s formal accession ceremony that took place on 24th June 1606 (Numerologically interesting to see so many number 6!). Before addressing the assembly, the young Guru, attired as a prince, called for some of his personal weapons. He proceeded to recite the names of the previous Gurus, and selected two fine curved swords, a ‘Kaman’ (bow), and a quiver of arrows.

As the Sikhs brought the symbols of the previous Gurus before him, Guru Hargobind made it clear that he, in contrast to earlier Gurus, would mount a war horse and not resort to simply sitting as a peaceful holy man administering to the congregation on a ‘manji‘ (bedstead). Abandoning the ‘seli‘ (hat of silk cord) or ‘topi’ (silk cap) – traditional symbols of peace, he would wear a royal turban – the iconic symbol of a Kshatriya warrior.

When asked why he held two swords, the 16-year-old, whilst remembering his father’s words, explained:

“With one we will take authority as ‘miran ki miri‘ (king of kings). With the other, we shall achieve ‘piran ki piri‘ (spiritual supremacy). All those who come our way seeking refuge shall be saved. Those who oppose us shall lose both [temporal and spiritual authority].”


Gatka Instructional Video:

This Prayerful Presence of the Warrior can also be recognised in the lives of Christ and the Buddha.

Yangsuli Sujongsa temple.

There is a powerful story from a Korean Buddhist Monastery which got attacked by an invading army. Most monks fled the scene, but the Abbott remained to face the general of the invaders. When the general encountered the Abbott he exclaimed: “You better watch out, as I will not even blink an eye when I pierce you with my sword!”, to which the Abbott replied: “You better watch out, as I will not even blink an eye when you pierce me with your sword!”. The General recognised the Prayerful Presence of this Saint, bowed his head and became a devout student of the Buddhist Order.
And here a story about Jesus:
“And I saw the heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and he that sat thereon called Faithful and True; and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. And his eyes are a flame of fire, and upon his head are many diadems; and he hath a name written which no one knoweth but he himself. And he is arrayed in a garment sprinkled with blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and pure. And out of his mouth proceedeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God, the Almighty. And he hath on his garment and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:11-16 – ASV).
Sat Naam,
Every day until Christmas, we have put a yogic gift for you into the reindeer’s bag. And each day it will be something different.
It could be a brief video yoga class, or a numerological (Karam Kriya) sharing about the qualities of number 12 (December) or of the year ahead. It could be one of our favorite recipes for this time of the year, or a voucher for an upcoming event. It could be one of our favorite kriyas, or a specific meditation we practice for these times, or a mantra to chant throughout the day to keep your spirits up…or, or, or.
Advent means ‘the coming, or arrival, of’. It is widely used in preparation for the celebration of the coming of Christ. The incarnation of Christ Consciousness as recognized in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Nanak Consciousness, YOUR Higher Consciousness. Your Hu-Man, or Enlightened-Mind, potential.
So why not align to this group consciousness, this tradition held in many countries, to anticipate and celebrate your potential? By practicing Kundalini Yoga and Karam Kriya for your upliftment into Cherdi Kala, the Rising Spirit!
Each day we post a new link on Facebook with the reindeer bag. Follow the link and pick up your free gift.
And we love to hear from you in the comments how you like it and whether it was useful for your day.
Merry seasonal blessings,
Bachitar and Hari Krishan

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