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Womens Retreat

Female Creative Rhythms


Menarche Menstruation Menopause 
With Bachitar Kaur



A Womans Creative Journey through Constant Change expressed in her Sexuality, Spirituality and Sense of Self.


Ignoring or despising menstruation is one of the ways that misogyny manifests itself

– Lara Owen (Her Blood is Gold)


The Retreat offers you

This Womans Retreat offers a joyful and rich exploration of the physiology, psychology and spirituality of the Creative Female Power every woman holds. We will draw on the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, Karam Kriya and Wise Women Traditions, have personal sharings in the Red Tent, practice yoga and meditation, prepare food together, do walks, creative activities, chanting, prayer and last not least be in the the supportive company of likeminded sisters.

We are going to explore a womans rhythmic intelligence from the first day of her menstruation (menarche) to its total cease (menopause).

Special focus will be given to the transformational forces of and transition into the wise (wild) woman with the onset of menopause. While the biology of a woman may suggest that menopause signifies the end of what our current society considers womanly (youthfertility, sexy) we are going to write the story differently:

Menopause as the rediscovery of Shakti.

Woman is shakti: pure creative power. This is not bound to a specific phase in her lifeit is intrinsically interwoven with her life, it is part of her.

You are very powerful provided you know how powerful you are – Yogi Bhajan


This retreat is for every woman

Female Creative Rhythms is open to women of all ages. You are never too young nor too old to share this wisdom with others.


Where and when it is

Organised by Yogaschule Golden Temple in Yogahaus Prasaad, Almenstrasse 11,78234 EngenGermany

Friday 25.11.22 (Start 17:00) Sunday 27.11. (end 16:00)

International Airports are Zurich (Switzerland) and Stuttgart (Germany) both 1,5 2hrsby train


Your investment is

Euro 280 including teachings, food and accommodation.



For more information contact

Download registration form HERE


About Bachitar

Bachitar Kaur teaches in Europe, Asia and Australia as Kundalini Yoga Lead Trainer with the Aquarian Trainer Academy. She is a Karam Kriya consultant and trainer and supports people from all walks of life in their spiritual quest. Her passion for a more humane world is reflected in her enthusiasm with which she brings the wisdom of the teachings into her and others’ heart and everyday life. Bachitar is cofounder of the international yoga school Cherdi Kala and being a strong advocate of female awakening she teaches on Female Leadership and other relevant women topics such as menstruation and menopause. She felt great delight to codevelop the Divine Woman Program and is Lead Trainer of The Mothers Journey Training. She is a mother of two boys and together with her family lives near Lake Constance in SouthGermany, where she founded Yogahouse Prasaad for conscious living in nature.

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